🤹Flow arts

Fire & LED play & performance with poi and contact staff

I do poi and contact staff, and dabble in contact juggling and juggling.

I do them on fire and also on plastic. I used to do LED too but some kind soul really needed them at a party that I put on so they took them and now they're somewhere that I am not.

I have surprisingly few vides of myself actually doing any of these things.

It's unreasonably difficult to get anyone to video me, and even harder to acquire the video afterwards, especially in the original format. Everyone just sends things via WhatsApp or Facebook and then deletes the original file. This is NOT how you help someone record their performances!

Please, if you see me playing with any kind of flow arts, especially with fire, PLEASE DO take videos and PLEASE DO send it to me afterwards.

Send the original file. Do not compress it or send it over rubbishy messenger platforms.

If the video is stable and the lighting is good, I will even pay you for it.


I do have a few videos in my Google Photos library. I'll dig through soon, edit them a bit and put some up on YouTube.

Last updated