resistance is not inherently bad; negativity & destruction also are not inherently bad
acceptance does not mean lack of resistance
simply, resistance must exist in the right way
following the flow and direction of the tao does not mean accepting any and every thing around us
actually, understanding the tao gives us insight on how indeed to interact with the flow and resist it in the ideal ways
swimming, sailing, flying, are all excellent demonstrations of intentional & measured resistance within the flow of cosmic forces
dictatorships exist in realms other than the political. look carefully at everything around us
dictatorships are always an abomination and must always be resisted
but the method of resistance must be careful.
Let us lay the foundations for a better future.
Let us not laze around in apathy.
overview of my paradigm
many changes in our lives come not from something new now, but something new in the past that was ignored, suppressed, besmirched
resisting what is "normal", and learning & using alternatives, is energetically expensive
but the benefit is that the future generations may have a better life
do you care for yourself only? do you have a good life now? how did you get that good life? is it all from your own work? of course not. our lives exist in the wake of those who came before us. do you have a bad life now? why is that so? is it all your own fault? of course not; maybe none of it is your fault, as is certainly true for most of us who are suffering in some way or another. our lives exist in the wake of those who came before us.
our lives exist in the wake of those who came before us.
and so do the lives of our descendants exist in the wake of those who come before them, that is, us.
like it or not, it is infinitely our duty to lay the foundations of the future. i mean that, there is literally no choice. you shall lay these foundations, inherently by virtue of existing. so, act accordingly.
are you using systems which uphold humanity and the improvement of life? or are you using systems which support & consolidate the overruling powers, the tyrannies, the billionaires?
English is the current lingua franca. It is used for global communications, internet communications, business communications. It is not the "best" language, it is simply what is being used.
But English spelling is horrific, and it is held back by several issues — one of which being that it uses no diacritics or stress markers, so typing & writing it is easy, whilst using it is hard because it must simply be remembered. For most non-native users, there is no rhyme or reason — and even most native users do not know the rhyme & reason within the English spelling system.
An orthographic (spelling system) reformation is required, but it has to maintain diverse accent representation, and it has to be as easy to type & write as the current orthography is. There will be some trade-offs, but a new orthography must make spelling easier and more logical. The current spelling system follows some senses, contains some logic, but there is much conflation, and also far too many broken rules, especially amongst the simplest daily vocabulary.
Through my own orthographic reformation attempts, I've discovered many reasons for the many orthographic peculiarities of English, and as such I have had to pause my reformation development.
mental infrastructure
We will have our brains forever up until we are finally surplanted — either by ourselves, by a stronger lifeform, or by our creations — and as such, we should entrain our brains in the best ways possible. The amount of mental taxation imparted by illogical systems is unreasonable and directly impacts our mental capacity to do other things. Absolutely regardless of what anyone tells you, reliance & dependence upon external devices is fundamentally a weakness. Yes, we have devices, in today's world they are calculators and computers, and yes, we can use them to support ourselves in tasks that are otherwise too complicated. But expecting such things to be permanently ubiquitous is naïve and, frankly, dangerous. Such devices depend on electricity availability, factories to produce them, machinery & people working in those factories (the people often are exploited), rare earth metals to produce the components (which is always damaging to the Earth and exploiting the human workers, who are subjected to despicable working conditions and are usually pretty much slave labour), and (at least today) most apps don't even work without an internet connection.
The sheer infrastructure required for all this technology is literally an abomination against Life.
If you don't understand what I'm saying then you have deeper problems than you realise and you should probably go read literally anything about environmental science,******** right the fuck now.
Mental skills are fundamental, they are not ephemeral, fleeting, and a waste of time as most of us seem to think. Learning & training in mental skills is actually constructing, crafting, and strengthening neural pathways in our brains. "Neural pathways" is not just some fun idea that people throw around to try to sound sciencey. Neural pathways are the physical foundation of our entire world. Neural pathways are physical structures in our brains. We create neural pathways when we learn new things, and we strengthen those pathways by repeating those things. The vast majority of our daily behaviours ARE REFLEXIVE REPLAYINGS OF YOUR STRONGEST NEURAL PATHWAYS. You have little-to-no choice in this matter. (Mindfulness gives you this choice, but consumes more energy, so at some points you will still default to your strongest neural pathways. In fact, this is a good thing, but you must train your self to have good pathways as your strongest pathways; and you must train your pathways to have adaptability, and to maintain neuroplasticity.)
All of our modern world is constructed by human behaviour, and all human behaviour — including the quality of behaviour, action, work — is shaped by our habitual function.
Do you see where this is going?
We have to train our brains in good, beneficial, and powerful ways, so as to have neural pathways that are founded in the same.
The pop culture social media life that you are consuming? It is training you to be compliant, to be addictable, to be overwhelmed by egoic desire to be amazing, successful, narcissistic, self-absorbed, popular, loved by everyone, revered, trendy.
Get out of it.
We have more important things to do.
Train yourself in things that actually matter.
Train yourself in things that make you resilient, adaptable, beneficial.
It is exhausting. It is. There's not really any way around that. The systems that we live within in this era are designed to drain us. We are drained simply by living in this way. To learn new ways is additionally exhausting. But if we don't, our children, our grandchildren, and our more-distant descendants, will have worse lives, more-oppressed lives, more-exploited lives. It will be harder for them to fight their way out of it, to live freely, to live happily, to enjoy life as they wish, to discover spirituality, to become any more than gears in a machine that upholds the lives of the billionaires, the 'Meths' of our world.
One of the ways we can become mentally stronger is by replacing weak mental architectures with stronger ones. Let's consider maths: how many people love maths? How many dread maths? What would you think if I told you that the reason most people hate maths is because the numerical system is one of the worst possible systems?
NUMERICS — Base 12
does not mean 9+1 items.
means 1 full set of items.
There is no number for 9+1 items.
But, 1 full set of items is 9+1 items.
It is, in Base 10.
Base 10, decimal, is terrible for mental mathematics. There are very few patterns available.
The opposite of decimal is not imperial. Metric and decimal are not synonymous. Metric and decimal cannot have opposites, actually, because they are not extremes, and they are not on a binary scale.
Mental maths is much more accessible, sensible, logical, and quick, using Base 12.
If we learnt Base 12 as our primary mathematical foundation when we were babies, instead of dumbass Base 10, everyone would have a much easier and more enjoyable time with maths.
Here are some Base 12 notes.
Isaac Pitman, 1857
Frank Emerson Andrews, 1935
View my page on mental mathematics and some info on Base 12:
MATHS — Tau τ vs Pi π, etc
Lo and behold, not all things in this world are ideal.
You'd expect them to be, given the modern ubiquity of technology, communications, internet, education, etc., but nope.
You'd expect them to be, given the sheer quantity of time that has passed, the mass of intelligent & creative people who have made discoveries and designed systems to encapsulate those discoveries.
Somehow, The Powers That Be consistently choose the stupider options, and consolidate them into the structure of our society and civilisation.
One such is π, pi.
Anyway, go read about it on Tau Day .com.
This is a hard one because many, if not most, of us use software daily for our jobs that really only runs on Windows and/or MacOS.
Anyway, here will be some discussion on the necessities of Open Source Software (OSS) and some links to resources around the internet on how you can get started using it.
Last updated